ARCHITECTURE: David Adjaye Makes Another Shift with His New Exhibit in London
Urban Africa/David Adjaye:
International Ghanaian architect, David Adjaye’s exhibit at the Design Museum in London offers a glimpse into urbanism in Africa. David was born in Tanzania and raised in London. His architectural firm Adjaye Associates, has offices in London and New York City. Adjaye has photographed and documented major key cities in Africa. In order to shed light on an area of African urbanism that have been ignored in the accepted historiography of architecture.
David was on a panel with Peter Cook of Davis Brody Bond Aedas, and Rodney Leon. Thelma Golden, Director of the Studio Museum in Harlem was moderator at the Pratt Institute’s “Designing an Enduring Legacy,” in February. David Adjaye’s firm is also part of the architectural team that includes Peter Cook and the late Max Bond of Davis Brody Bond Aedas, to design the National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington D.C.
Read more on David Adjaye in FT online:
Listen to an interview with David on BBC WORLD SERVICE .
Check out a few of the proposed renderings of the National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington D.C.
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great post! Adjaye is fantastic.
It would be great if the show traveled to the states, otherwise I’ll have to make a special trip to London this spring to check out David’s show. Thanks for your comment.